Developing and implementing management systems

A management system makes processes more transparent and easily controllable. Widely used (and recognized) systems within the expertise of Arts Safety B.V. are ISO, SCC, OHSAS and HACCP systems.

Our goal

Developing and/or implementing a management system that helps you manage, guide and optimize your company’s processes.

Our approach

Below you will find an indication of the procedures:

  • Selecting and setting up a management standard fitting your organization.
  • Developing a management handbook and the corresponding procedures.
  • Supplying the management documents that set out the tasks, responsibilities, authorizations and qualifications within the intended areas of care.
  • Adjusting the management handbook to the wishes of the customer and/or the practice of the organization.
  • Supplying subject matter explanation and assisting during the implementation of the system.
  • Advice, evaluation and securing the system.